What Music To Listen To On The Job To Stay Focused [Infographic]

I am sure I am not the only one who just has to rock out to some rock n’ roll or chillout techno while I program or write new articles. It helps me concentrate and focus like I would never be able to do if I didn’t have music to listen to. I don’t know if it is the “noise” that makes it easier to concentrate or not, since I don’t have to focus on anything else. Anyone who is heavily into coding knows what I mean. The code, algorithms, processes and functions are usually interconnected, which means that you really have to keep track of everything you add in order for it to be optimized. I am not going to go into that whole aspect of it all, but I think it has something to do with that and how you don’t have to pay attention to anything outside of your “zone.”

What kind of music should you listen to while you are working to keep you focused? Do you have some secret “recipe” that always keeps you on the target? Maybe even a certain kind of style of music? Well, if you don’t, don’t worry. It’s not entirely too late to pick up this habit actually. All you need is a little bit of guidance, and it should be all good. You can certainly find that guidance through the infographic that Sonos put together called Working Jams: What Music Should You Listen To On The Job?

After some research, they compiled a list of music styles and put them all into categories of professions based on what people said they were listening to while working. The result is a median for what the average person is listening to while trying to focus on the job. More and more music is introduced into our working environment, but the radio is still the one thing people are listening to it seems. Maybe it is because of the news that sometimes interrupts the music itself, or maybe it is just to hear the commercials. The reasons could be many, and to write about them all here would make this article quite a lengthy one.

So if you don’t know what music to listen to, just have a look at this thing, find your profession and then see if anything in there is appealing enough for you to start listening to it. Of course it’s not a must; however, take this as what the average programmer is listening to for example. I am sure there are programmers out there who would rather listen to stuff like classical music or something in that area. Music makes for a better mood, better dedication and a more positive day overall. Well, I guess that depends on what music you end up listening to. But again, this is based on the average person.

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Sejarah Mengapa 1 Menit = 60 detik

Fakta Terekspose - Bilangan 60 digunakan untuk menyatakan waktu, sejam 60 menit, semenit 60 detik. Bilangan 60 ini digunakan pertama kali oleh bangsa Sumeria, jadi mereka berhitung dengan basis 60 atau disebut juga Sexagesimal.

Alasan kenapa digunakan bilangan 60 adalah bilangan ini bilangan terkecil yang bisa dibagi oleh enam angka pertama yaitu: 1,2,3,4,5,6.

Jadi dengan mudah kita bisa terbayang: 1/2 jam = 30 mnt, 1/3 jam = 20 menit, 1/4 jam = 15 menit, dst. Bayangkan kalau satu jam = 100 menit, berarti 1/3 jam = 33,333 mnt??? Kalo kata orang, itu ngga bunyi …

Kalo kata matematisnya, 60 itu highly composite number, atau bilangan yang angka pembaginya/faktornya banyak, yaitu 1,2,3,4,5,6,10,12,15,20,30,60.

Detik atau sekon adalah satuan waktu dalam SI (Sistem Internasional, lihat unit SI) yang didefinisikan sebagai durasi selama 9.192.631.770 kali periode radiasi yang berkaitan dengan transisi dari dua tingkat hyperfine dalam keadaan ground state dari atom cesium-133 pada suhu nol kelvin.

Dalam penggunaan yang paling umum, satu detik adalah 1/60 dari satu menit, dan 1/3600 dari satu jam.

Pada awalnya, istilah second dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal sebagai "second minute" (menit kedua), yang berarti bagian kecil dari satu jam. Bagian yang pertama dikenal sebagai "prime minute" (menit perdana) yang sama dengan menit seperti yang dikenal sekarang.

Besarnya pembagian ini terpaku pada 1/60, yaitu, ada 60 menit di dalam satu jam dan ada 60 detik di dalam satu menit.

Ini mungkin disebabkan oleh pengaruh orang-orang Babylonia, yang menggunakan hitungan sistem berdasarkan sexagesimal (basis 60).

Istilah jam sendiri sudah ditemukan oleh orang-orang Mesir dalam putaran bumi sebagai 1/24 dari mean hari matahari. Ini membuat detik sebagai 1/86.400 dari mean hari matahari.

Di tahun 1956, International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM), dibawah mandat yang diberikan oleh General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) ke sepuluh di tahun 1954, menjabarkan detik dalam periode putaran bumi disekeliling matahari di saat epoch, karena pada saat itu telah disadari bahwa putaran bumi di sumbunya tidak cukup seragam untuk digunakan sebagai standar waktu.

Gerakan bumi itu digambarkan di Newcomb's Tables of the Sun (Daftar matahari Newcomb), yang mana memberikan rumusan untuk gerakan matahari pada epoch di tahun 1900 berdasarkan observasi astronomi dibuat selama abad ke-18 dan 19.

Dengan demikian detik didefinisikan sebagai 1/31.556.925,9747 bagian dari tahun matahari di tanggal 0 Januari 1900 jam 12 waktu ephemeris.

Definisi ini diratifikasi oleh General Conference on Weights and Measures ke sebelas di tahun 1960. Referensi ke tahun 1900 bukan berarti ini adalah epoch dari mean hari matahari yang berisikan 86.400 detik. Melainkan ini adalah epoch dari tahun tropis yang berisi 31.556.925,9747 detik dari Waktu Ephemeris.

Waktu Ephemeris (Ephemeris Time - ET) telah didefinisikan sebagai ukuran waktu yang memberikan posisi obyek angkasa yang terlihat sesuai dengan teori gerakan dinamis Newton.

Dengan dibuatnya jam atom, maka ditentukanlah penggunaan jam atom sebagai dasar pendefinisian dari detik, bukan lagi dengan putaran bumi.

Dari hasil kerja beberapa tahun, dua astronomer di United States Naval Observatory (USNO) dan dua astronomer di National Physical Laboratory (Teddington, England) menentukan hubungan dari hyperfine transition frequency atom caesium dan detik ephemeris.

Dengan menggunakan metode pengukuran common-view berdasarkan sinyal yang diterima dari stasiun radio WWV, mereka menentukan bahwa gerakan orbital bulan disekeliling bumi, yang dari mana gerakan jelas matahari bisa diterka, di dalam satuan waktu jam atom.

Sebagai hasilnya, di tahun 1967, General Conference on Weights and Measures mendefinisikan detik dari waktu atom dalam International System of Units (SI) sebagai

Durasi sepanjang 9.192.631.770 periode dari radiasi sehubungan dengan transisi antara dua hyperfine level dari ground state dari atom caesium-133.

Ground state didefinisikan di ketidak-adaan (nol) medan magnet. Detik yang didefinisikan tersebut adalah sama dengan detik ephemeris. Definisi detik yang selanjutnya adalah disempurnakan di pertemuan BIPM untuk menyertakan kalimat

Definisi ini mengacu pada atom caesium yang diam pada temperatur 0 K. Dalam prakteknya, ini berarti bahwa realisasi detik dengan ketepatan tinggi harus mengkompensasi efek dari radiasi sekelilingnya untuk mencoba mengextrapolasikan ke harga detik seperti yang disebutkan di atas.

Setiap orang wajib tahu waktu, oleh karena itu mari kita pelajari konversi atau perubahan waktu berikut ini :

1 Detik = Sama Dengan Seper 60 Menit (1/60 Detik)
1 Menit = Sama Dengan 60 Detik
1 Jam = Sama Dengan 60 Menit
1 Jam = Sama Dengan 3.600 Detik
1 Hari = Sama Dengan 24 Jam
1 Hari = Sama Dengan 1.440 Menit
1 Hari = Sama Dengan 86.400 Detik
1 Minggu = Sama Dengan 7 Hari
1 Bulan = Sama Dengan 28 Sampai 31 Hari
1 Bulan = Sama Dengan 4 Minggu
1 Caturwulan Atau Cawu = Sama Dengan 4 Bulan
1 Semester = Sama Dengan 6 Bulan
1 Tahun = 365 Sama Dengan Hingga 366 Hari
1 Tahun = Sama Dengan 12 Bulan
1 Dasawarsa = Sama Dengan 10 Tahun
1 Abad = Sama Dengan 100 Tahun. 
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The World’s First Vertical Forest: An Architectural Beauty

I’d like to introduce you to the world’s first Bosco Verticale (Italian for Vertical Forest), which is being built right now in Milan. According to Christopher Woodward, a writer for the Financial Times, it’s “the most exciting new tower in the world.

This vertical forest will span across two towers that have fabulous balconies designed to house these trees. The pictures below are an image of how it’s projected to look, although I wonder if once the project is completed if it will take a decade for the trees to grow to that height. When it’s all said and done, this vertical forest will consist of 900 trees, 5,000 bushes and 11,000 plants.

This forest, designed by architect Stefano Boeri, will allow the greenery to get shade in the summer, sunlight in the winder and protection from the wind while it cleans the air, produces oxygen and cuts down on all the noise pollution in Milan. If this same number of trees, bushes and plants were planted horizontally around these houses on the ground, it would require 50,000 square meters of land and 10,000 square meters of woodland. Wow, talk about optimizing space, this is awesome!

Forest Grows On A Building 

Forest Grows On A Building 

Forest Grows On A Building 

Forest Grows On A Building 

Forest Grows On A Building 

Forest Grows On A Building 

Forest Grows On A Building
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Pinterest Surpasses Twitter & Facebook In One Area [Infographic]

We’ve all seen so many infographics about Pinterest lately that’s it’s easy to read the title and think, “Yeah, I get it, Pinterest is kicking ass,” but I found this particular one to be very interesting from a social media psychology perspective.

If you are on Pinterest, you know how much fun it can be. It is more relaxing than some of the other social networking sites because there is no pressure to engage, be active or leave any comments. It’s pretty much just an “anything goes” kind of environment, which I like. If you are on there often, you’ve probably seen that some pins have price tags in the upper left-hand corner which indicate that the product being pinned is for sale.

On Twitter, selling anything or sending tweets that are advertisements is very tricky. I know this because we’ve done it. It’s an activity to be handled very carefully, and there are unwritten guidelines about how to do it and how not to do it to achieve results. On Pinterest though, apparently it’s a whole different story.

On Pinterest, pinning things that are for sale is apparently not only fine, but also, on some pins, adding the price encourages people to repin. Whaaaat? In addition to that, users on Pinterest have an above average income which means they are more likely to click through and make a purchase. The numbers don’t lie, and they are much higher for Pinterest than for Twitter and Facebook. So although it’s starting to sound like a cliché, if you are a marketer (or someone who likes to go shopping), Pinterest is the place to be.

However, keep in mind, if you are slimy and sneaky, I don’t think you’ll be successful marketing on Pinterest regardless of these numbers (just like you probably haven’t been on Twitter or Facebook either). If you are one of the accounts on Pinterest that people view as spam, and if you pin your items that are for sale, and later you pin the same things over and over again, and then you delete those pins and pin them again… Well, if that’s the case, you obviously don’t get it, and I’d be surprised if you’ll see results on Pinterest or any social media network. #justsayin [Infographic].
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Mariah Carey's Number One Hit Singles

18 Chart-Topping Hits

Mariah Carey first topped the US pop singles chart in 1990 with "Vision of Love." Since then she had been to number one 18 times. This makes her the solo artist with the most number one hits and second only to the Beatles overall. This is the full list of her number one pop hits in the US. 


1. "Vision of Love" - 1990

Mariah Carey's first #1 single introduced her trademark melismatic style to pop audiences. Mariah Carey's co-writer of the song was Ben Margulies. It stayed at the top of the charts for four weeks and was nominated for four Grammy Awards including Record of the Year and Song of the Year. Mariah Carey took home the trophy for the third nomination for Best Female Pop Vocal. Watch Video.




2. "Love Takes Time" - 1990

"Love Takes Time" is the second single from Mariah Carey's debut album also titled Mariah Carey. It was her second hit co-written with Ben Margulies. The song nearly didn't appear on the album. It was mostly recorded in one day and added at the last minute. "Love Takes Time" spent three weeks at #1 on the pop singles chart. Watch Video.




3. "Someday" - 1991

The third #1 hit from Mariah Carey's debut album was also the third co-written with Ben Margulies. "Someday" adds in a touch of new jack swing to the sound. "Someday" was one of five songs included on a demo tape that Brenda K. Starr gave to Tommy Mottola resulting in Mariah Carey's recording contract. "Someday" spent two weeks at the top of the pop singles chart. Watch Video




4. "I Don't Wanna Cry" - 1991

"I Don't Wanna Cry" is the fourth #1 single from the Mariah Carey album. This time she wrote with veteran R&B producer and songwriter Narada Michael Walden. Mariah Carey has stated in interviews that she dislikes this song. It spent two weeks at #1 on the pop singles chart and tied Mariah Carey with the Jackson 5 for the most consecutive #1 singles, four, by a new artist. Watch Video.




5. "Emotions" - 1991

"Emotions" is the title song from Mariah Carey's second album Emotions. David Cole and Robert Clivilles of C&C Music Factory produced and co-wrote the song giving it a strong dance feel. The result was a record-breaking fifth consecutive #1 single. No new artist had ever achieved that feat. It spent three weeks at the top of the pop singles chart and received a Grammy Award nomination for Best Female Pop Vocal. Watch Video.




6. "I'll Be There" featuring Trey Lorenz - 1992

Mariah Carey's cover of the Jackson 5 classic "I'll Be There" was a last minute addition to her MTV Unplugged set. The song was performed in a duet where Mariah Carey sang Michael Jackson's lines in the original and R&B vocalist Trey Lorenz sang the Jermaine Jackson lines. "I'll Be There" was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best R&B Duo or Group with Vocal. It spent two weeks at the top of the pop singles chart. In 2009 Mariah Carey and Trey Lorenz performed the song at the Michael Jackson memorial service.Watch Video.



7. "Dreamlover" - 1993

"Dreamlover" is the lead single from Mariah Carey's third studio album Music Box. It is built around a sample from the Emotions song "Blind Alley." The song became Mariah Carey's biggest hit single to date spending eight weeks at the top. It brought Mariah Carey another Grammy Award nomination for Best Female Pop Vocal. Watch Video.





8. "Hero" - 1993

The inspirational "Hero" is considered one of Mariah Carey's signature songs. Reportedly the song was originally written for the movie Hero starring Dustin Hoffman and Geena Davis. However, when music executive and Mariah Carey's fiancee Tommy Mottola heard the song he insisted that the song not be given away for someone to sing for the movie. Instead, he insisted that Mariah Carey keep it for herself. "Hero" spent four weeks at #1 on the pop singles chart and was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal. Watch Video



9. "Fantasy" - 1995

For the first single from the Daydream album, Mariah Carey used a catchy sample from the Tom Tom Club's hit "Genius Of Love." It became only the second single to debut at #1 on the pop singles chart after Michael Jackson's "You Are Not Alone." For the sixth year in a row Mariah Carey received a nomination for Best Female Pop Vocal. "Fantasy" matched "Dreamlover" in spending eight weeks at the top of the pop singles chart. Watch Video.




10. "One Sweet Day" with Boyz II Men - 1995

"One Sweet Day" lays claim for being one of the biggest pop hit singles of all time. It still holds the record for the most weeks, 16, spent at the top of the Billboard Hot 100. Mariah Carey teamed up with red hot vocal group Boyz II Men. The song was inspired by the death of two of Mariah Carey's close friends in the music business, David Cole of C&C Music Factory and guitarist Steve Clark of Def Leppard. It was Boyz II Men's third single to spend thirteen or more weeks at the top of the pop singles chart. The song received two Grammy Award nominations including for Record of the Year. Watch Video.



11. "Always Be My Baby" - 1996

"Always Be My Baby" is the third #1 pop single from the Daydream album. It was co-written and co-produced with Jermaine Dupri and Manuel Seal. After two consecutive singles debuting at #1, "Always Be My Baby" only debuted at #2 but did spend two weeks at the top. It also spent nine non-consecutive weeks at #2, a record in that position for Mariah Carey. Watch Video.




12. "Honey" - 1997

"Honey" is the first single from Mariah Carey's album Butterfly. She collaborated with rap star Puff Daddy, now Diddy, on the song. The accompanying music video was notable for featuring a sexier, more "street" side of Mariah Carey. "Honey" spent three weeks at #1 on the pop singles chart and received two Grammy Award nominations for Best R&B Song and Best R&B Female Vocal. Watch Video.




13. "My All" - 1998

The second #1 pop single from Mariah Carey's album Butterfly is notable for incorporating Latin influences in the sound. Long-time collaborator Walter Afanasieff co-wrote and co-produced the song. The video for the song was shot in black and white and on location in Puerto Rico. "My All" spent two weeks at the top of the pop singles chart. Watch Video.




14. "Heartbreaker" featuring Jay-Z - 1999

"Heartbreaker" is a #1 single from Mariah Carey's studio album Rainbow. It features a collaboration with rap star Jay-Z. The song was originally intended for a Mariah Carey movie project. However, continued delays in putting the movie together caused the song to be included on the studio album Rainbow instead. It was the second Mariah Carey song to feature a sample from the Tom Tom Club's "Genius of Love." The song spent two weeks at #1 on the US pop singles chart causing Mariah Carey to surpass the Beatles for the most total weeks spent at #1 on the pop singles chart.

15. "Thank God I Found You" featuring Joe and 98 Degrees - 2000

"Thank God I Found You" is the second #1 pop single from Mariah Carey's album Rainbow. It features vocals from both R&B singer Joe and the boy band 98 Degrees. The song only spent one week at the top of the chart, but it was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals. Watch Video.

16. "We Belong Together" - 2005

"We Belong Together" is the second single from Mariah Carey's grand comeback album The Emancipation of Mimi. It was co-produced with favorite past collaborators Jermaine Dupri and Manuel Seal. The song was received with great celebration by Mariah Carey fans and critics alike. It became her first #1 pop single in five years and spent 14 weeks at the top of the chart. Mariah Carey also took home two Grammy Awards for Best R&B Song and Best Female R&B Vocal. Watch Video.



17. "Don't Forget About Us" - 2005

"Don't Forget About Us" is the second #1 single from The Emancipation of Mimi. Some criticized the song for being too similar to "We Belong Together," but fans did not seem to mind. The song spent two weeks at the top of the pop singles chart. Watch Video.





18. "Touch My Body" - 2007

"Touch My Body" is the first single from Mariah Carey's album E=MC2. It is Mariah Carey's 41st chart single and the 18th to reach #1 where it spent two weeks. Watch Video

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10 Twitter Avatar Creators | Image Yourself

There has been quite a lot of talk going around whether to stick to your profile picture throughout your “career” on Twitter for people to be able to recognize you easier. But there is always that other camp that says that changing it up every once in a while is a good thing. After all we all change ever so slightly the older we get. I am torn in this decision and feel that as long as your image is representing the real person and looks like you do now all should be fine. I mean, imagine going to an event to hookup with all those other Twitter friends and colleagues that you have created a great relationship only to not recognize them when you get there. If that’s not an awkward feeling I don’t know what is.
So what better is a list of avatar creators that you can use to switch it up a little bit. If only to add a cartoon Twitter image in between photo shoots to kinda say. -”Hey, right now I’m a cartoon and awaiting some new pictures of myself.” Should work for most people right?
However, make sure you at least try to get as close to yourself as possible when creating yourself a cartoon avatar. I think in this day and age that it’s important not to mislead your followers as they are after all following you. But then again everyone is entitled to their own online identity. Just remember that one day you may get to face your followers and if you’re not the one on that photo…oooooh.
If you are “in between pictures” then you can go ahead and use one of these services to create your own cartoon avatar. Hopefully they will have elements that are close connected to you,. If not, improvise. Enjoy!

1. Doppel Me 
Creates a more “Wobble”-head like cartoon with a ton of different stuff to add. Looks quite fun if you’re into all the different movie trends like Star Wars or Vampires theme. Should be quite useful for most people though. Esthetic colors and a easy to use interface. Oh, and the beginning image of your avatar is also funny.

Creates a more unprofessional avatar but still quite interesting. Looks a little stiff but the range of attributes you can use adds to the unique feeling of the avatar. Interface is quite nice and it’s easy to navigate through the different categories. Looking at my finished avatar doesn’t really make me satisfied though. Although fun in a way.

This is one of the better ones, if not the best. Creates a really nice looking cartoon Manga styled avatar. Tons of stylized attributes to choose from and the interface is just a blast to use. It is widely used and by that it may be really boring to make yourself one in the crowd. But, still looks great when your avatar is done and finished.

A full body avatar creator that really lets you express yourself. Body positions and a ton of great attributes to change your avatar into whatever you want and like. The cartoon style is developed and professional and really shows details so that you can go ahead and represent yourself in the very best way.

I really liked this one as it reminds me of small bad boys dolls with a lot of style. The cute stylized cartoon is more than cool and combined with the ultimately easy to use user interface it makes for one of the better avatar creators on this list for sure. As the name suggests it really feels unique and cool in a lot of different ways.

A straight up Manga avatar creator with a flawless style. The interface is broad and easy to use however a bit boring in it’s execution. The initial lack of colors makes for a poor first impression but as I started using it and added elements to my avatar I really started to like how it behaved. Only a face maker but super cool for Twitter avatars.

When I first entered it I was weirded out a bit. It’s stylized baby avatars that stands up. Adding elements however made for really cool avatars. The interface is easy to use and navigate but poor in visual extravagance. Also the initial avatar is small and almost creates an impression of a badly cropped image. End result quite cool though.

A really clever and unique look. Creates an avatar with a bit of 50′s / 60′s look and feel. You can really stylize your own avatar the way you would like with the many attributes. The end result is a full body avatar with attributes like a glass of martini and such. Also, don’t forget to listen to the awesome cocktail music playing while you create your avatar.

9. Alpoy 
Not a cartoon avatar creator but a really cool true image avatar creator and animator. All in one online service which is really easy to use. You get to rotate, crop, move, size and animate your pictures just the way you want to in order for your Twitter avatar to express exactly how you are. Really interesting and easy to use user interface.

This is an iPhone app that lets you create a somewhat 3D avatar with lots of different attributes right on your iPhone. It of course lets you export your finished avatar either to any of your profiles on the Internet or your computer for storage or further modification in your image processing tool. Really interesting and unique result.
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Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi: The Mega Showdown [Infographic]

Some people like Coca-Cola while others prefer Pepsi. Just like Apple and Microsoft, there are two camps and a “battle” going on about who enjoys the best drink. We have seen many faces of them both throughout the years, and I predict that it’s not about to stop anytime soon. I myself enjoyed a cold Coke on a daily basis at one point in my life, but the backstabber was the sugar, and I had to stop it entirely. Now all I enjoy is an energy drink every once in a while when I feel I need to get some additional energy during crunch times or looming deadlines. Throughout history, there has of course been a huge battle between Coca-Cola and Pepsi, and it’s a battle which neither one has really won.
It so happens that their stock pretty much trades for the same price these days, and if you want a thrill in your daily life, then watching the battle in real-time on the stock market might be something you would enjoy. CnnTees has watched this battle closely and recently put out a mega infographic that will certainly have you glued to the screen. It is just jam packed with statistics, and if I am not entirely incorrect, there are even interactive statistics being added to the main one (on their website) all the time.
So, what is the best drink after all? Is it Coca-Cola or is it Pepsi? We know the chairman of Pepsi almost destroyed Apple, but what secrets are hidden in the Coca-Cola camp that we don’t know about? Or do we know about it already? Either way, if you want the ultimate showdown between these two, then just have a look at this massive infographic and you will definitely have something to do for a while. It’s almost madness how much they have managed to cram on here for all of us to take a look at. It’s infographics like these that really get me inspired to read. If you are an infographic designer, make more of these so that all of us knowledge fanatics have something to dig into.

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10 Ways To Stop Wasting Water [Infographic]

Did you know that more people in the world own cell phones than have access to a toilet? Did you know that one in eight people don’t have access to clean water? The numbers are staggering, and from what I’ve read, they are increasing despite the efforts of a lot of people who are committed to correcting this problem. According to Water.org, 3,575,000 people die each year from water related diseases. Isn’t that horrible and unacceptable?
Here in the United States, if I were to take a five-minute shower, I am using more water than some people have access to in an entire day. As I’m writing this, it is 5:20 in the morning, and I’ve already used a lot of water. Diarrhea is the second leading cause of death for children under age 5, and that diarrhea is often caused by those children drinking unsafe, contaminated water.
The problem can seem overwhelming, but websites like Charity Water break it down in an easy to understand format, and they offer ways that we can all do our part to help. First of all, we can stop wasting so much water. Leaving the water running while we brush our teeth or allowing a faucet to leak by not fixing it are things that we sometimes don’t even think about, but those things waste water. Also, letting the hose or sprinkler run unattended on our grass to keep it green, and running the dishwasher when it isn’t full also waste water.
This infographic by GOOD details some specific ways that we can all conserve water and not be as wasteful. I know I’m going to think twice before I run the faucet in the future. Most of all, these statistics make me realize how truly blessed I am. I am grateful for each drop of water that I have access to, and I hope you are too. Regardless of how many things we want in life that we don’t have, if we have access to unlimited water, we are truly fortunate and, if I may suggest, we should count our blessings and say a prayer of thanks.
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