Those who have been on
Twitter every day for a few years now like me will probably agree that
Twitter is a different place to hang out now than it used to be. Back in the day, Twitter was a small community of geeks, and we were all a very tight knit group of
friends. Since then, Twitter has evolved and grown into something much
bigger than many of us ever imagined. There are tons of new people
joining everyday, and the stream is filled with tweeps from all walks of life.
I love Twitter, and it’s an integral part of my life. The aspect that
touches my heart the most is that the friendships many of us built on
the site back in late 2008 and early 2009 are still strong today. I have
really enjoyed watching the site grow, and I’ve learned a lot from that
experience. I love it that there are now so many new people to meet
and follow. One thing is for sure, there is never a dull moment on
Twitter. Since I follow so many people, I’ve seen it all, and it’s
just as addicting and entertaining now as it was a few years ago.
Many people joining Twitter now feel like they are late getting on
board. I see people tweeting about how they are embarrassed that they
don’t know how to use the site yet, and I see them scrambling to learn everything they can. I just want to assure you that there is no reason to feel that way! We all learn
these things in our own time. If it makes you feel any better, I just
joined Facebook in 2009? maybe. I felt waaaaaaay behind. I still mess up most
of the time when I upload pictures. We all have new social media skills to learn each day. The key is that we don’t stop learning, ever!
I found this Twitter infographic created by Cheryl Lawson on Party Aficionado
today. Although we see articles written every day about how to use
Twitter, I especially like this infographic because it lays out all the
basics in a very simple to understand way. If you only have a short amount of time to learn how to use Twitter, you can pretty much get the gist of it from this. Enjoy!
Oh yes! For your information, this is my official twitter account : @roinapitupulu.
Oh yes! For your information, this is my official twitter account : @roinapitupulu.